Sunday, November 19, 2006

Finally, A Gig

I played a private party tonight with the band I'm "subbing" with. "Subbing" might not be an accurate description, because it appears that they want me to "sub" for them for every gig now. The crowd was great; people were dancing at all times and it seemed like everyone was dancing for the entire last set. The crowd was also almost exculsively French--I can't say I expected that, either. But it looks like the French know how to have fun. I am feeling almost opposite of how I was in my last entry. I guess I haven't had a gig in so long that I've forgotten that it can be fun sometimes.


Blogger brownie said...

How were the groupies?

12:57 PM  
Blogger mike said...

French groupies?

They were probably hairy and smelly.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Rafael said...

Yeah, but I bet they gave great head

9:56 AM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Wahoooo gigs are great!!!!! I need to get my recluse ass out to chekc you guys out....

6:33 PM  
Blogger PlaysByEar said...

Not easy to do even if you are outgoing, my last gig and next one are both private parties. If I do end up subbing for this band again though, I will be playing at a bar on December 8. The band has a chick singer too, pretty cool.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Jerri said...

See, I am retarded! I swear you said the 9th!! Drink a few for me!!!

2:14 PM  

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