Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cover Band Rock Star

Last night I hung out with a new friend from work and her friends, a whole bunch of people I've never met before. This also meant hanging out at a couple of places I haven't been to. The first place was alright until the loud karaoke music started. I don't get it--here is something they do to draw people into the restaurant, but damn if it doesn't have the opposite effect. So we went somewhere else nearby. The waitress was bad, the conversation was ok, and by the time the cover band started up we were all ready to go. But since someone wanted to see the rest of UT vs Michigan State, we stayed a little longer, which meant we experienced the band.

They were solid, musically. Professional, no wrong notes or lyrics, certainly much better than my band. We saw probably six or so songs, but I don't remember what they played. They were two guitars, bass, and drums, so it was all guitar based stuff.. nothing older than the 80's. But man did I find them depressing. One of the guitar players... he wore (from head to toe) a white baseball cap (turned backwards), sunglasses, soul patch, white long sleeved shirt (pulled up sleeves), red plaid shorts, white socks, red Chuck Taylors. The bass player had a button down shirt halfway unbuttoned, exposing most of his shaven chest. It almost looked like they were parodying the stereotypical rock band, but nothing was quite over the top enough to convince me. They were just the stereotypical rock band. They ran around on stage, turned around 360 degrees, kicked their feet, posed with their mouths wide open, smiled from ear to ear, etc. just like you would expect. So, it looked like they were having a great time! And they thought they looked so cool! But, I got the feeling they perform just like this every night, no matter what vibe they get from the audience (or even if they have an audience at all). They had people dancing, but I wouldn't say anyone in the audience was having a super great time, certainly not enough to explain their super positive stage presence. It looked to me that this was the best a cover band could aspire to be. So I asked myself, is this what I aspire to be? I don't think so.


Blogger Smut Mutt said...

Cannot answer this question since you left out one parameter: how many breasts?

4:04 PM  

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