Monday, May 07, 2007

San Jose

There's something I really enjoy about not having a car. Not having to pay for gas or maintenance, not having to rely on one more machine for something, the added challenges and situations you're faced with, it's all good. I wouldn't be able to do it in Texas but it's fun to give it a try while I'm in California. I figured that I'd rent a car for at least one week while I'm out here, but as I haven't had a problem the three weeks I've been here, maybe I still won't these last two weeks.

Until now I've been exploring the Santa Clara University area, but this evening I planned a run out to Guadalupe Park down to downtown San Jose. Guadalupe Park, I discovered, is a work in progress. It starts at the end of the runway of San Jose Int'l airport and follows the Guadalupe river through San Jose. Unfortunately about half of the trail that I needed to follow wasn't complete yet, so that was a little frustrating but really no big deal.

Once I got into downtown I noticed the police were blocking off what seemed like the whole downtown area. I walked around quite a bit and they were all over the place, more than one cop on practically every street corner. After reading the alt weekly and talking to people, I found out that San Jose has quite the reputation for being rowdy on Cinco de Mayo (including the day after). It gets so bad I guess that some bars decide it's not worth it to even open on special days like this. I headed for home at 10:30, before anything got out of hand. I would've been alright where I was as it wasn't a dance club, but it was also getting pretty empty as its normal clientele probably decided it was a good night to stay home, and as such the bar was thinking of closing up early.

The area seemed pretty cool so I'll head back there sometime this week, maybe not even in running clothes.


Blogger JT said...

I would have figured that with a post like that and considering the device on your wrist, this entry would have featured a cool map or something. I'm just saying.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Smut Mutt said...

Look up the Silicon Valley hashes: Friendly folks, fun circles & on-in's, good times.

I've always found that everything closes early, you gotta know were the places that stay open late are. (I'm talking after 9PM) The local hashers can help with this too.

8:18 PM  
Blogger PlaysByEar said...

I did! Didn't you notice I mentioned Agnew state a few entries ago? They treated me so well I was hungover the whole next day.

The place I was at last night said they are normally open until bar time, they just close early sometimes on "special occasions" such as this weekend.

8:26 PM  

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