Simply Sucks
I've had peanut butter jars in my cupboard for years at a time. But, over the last year or so, I've been consuming it like nobody's business. Probably 3 18 oz jars in the last half a year, not on bread, but on crackers. But then I mistakenly bought "Simply Jif," which simply sucks. It has 33% less sugar, low sodium, and tastes like Elmer's glue. I've been trying to suffer through it but I think I just need to throw it out.
Good luck getting new peanut butter. I think all you can get nowadays is store brand generic peanut butter. Damn recall.
OK..have your read my thread about peanut butter? Anyway, the brand that i have displayed tastes awesome and has less fat. Well the Honey one does...check it out.
Jiff sucks donkey balls..EW.
Note I'm only talking about "Simply" Jif, not regular Jif. Regular Jif is great. And it is very close to my name which I really found amusing in kindergarten. Actually most peanut butter tastes the same to me, it's just the low sugar or low fat ones that suck.
Jif isn't even acceptable bait.
Simply Jif sucks
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