Monday, January 23, 2006


Oh I know I mentioned I bought a laptop already, but to all of you who gave me money for Christmas/birthday--thank you for the laptop! I didn't all-out splurge, it's not new, it's a used P3 1 GHz Dell Latitude. It's pretty big and heavy but I think I like that rugged feel. And the battery lasts forever! This thing should be plenty powerful enough for anything I'd like to do, maybe even play some samples in live performance? I won't try that anytime soon though! The reason I'm writing about my laptop is that I was just thinking: "Now I can stop worrying about spilling beer on my work laptop at the bar, and start worrying about spilling beer on my own laptop at the bar." It's old enough to need a PCMCIA wireless card that hangs out the side. That might annoy some people, but I don't think it's any big deal. Yes I am at Lovejoy's right now.


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