Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Here I am at the old place at long last! Tonight's song for comment is "Coming Up" by Paul McCartney. Now I remember really enjoying this song when it came out, though at the time I probably didn't realize it was from Paul's first solo album since Wings broke up. Wings, I realize now, was one of my favorite bands when I was 5 years old, so I probably would've been very crabby if anyone told me they broke up when they did. Or I would if I was able to realize I may never hear another song by the band that performed "Let 'Em In" ever again! I'm sure it was several years after this song came out before I realized the significance of "The Beatles," and that Paul was a part of that obscure group. Some guy named John Lennon was killed the year this album came out--who's that?

The song is quite catchy, and the video is fun in that Paul plays every band member, each in a different costume. At the same time, the song is quite corny and the video is embarrassing in that Paul plays every band member, each in a different costume.



Blogger piannist said...

So did you have me listening to Wings as a 2 year old?

2:31 AM  

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