Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I went to NYC last weekend.  Really I just wanted to see how my friends were settling in, so I didn't make any plans in advance to do anything exciting in the city.  But of course we had to go do something!  Friday we hung out at the "local" bar (which is actually a couple of miles from their apartment in NJ) and scored some Guinness schwag from the should've-been-hotter Guinness promotions girl.  Saturday I checked out my friend's workplace and went for a movie and food in the Village and Chinatown.  Sunday we checked out the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  I managed to fit in a short run on Sunday morning in Englewood, and it was fun to check out the neighborhood that way.  But, like I said, I was mostly curious how my friends were doing and they seem to be adjusting well.  Their apartment is great and their jobs seem to be going fine.  And what to say about New York City—so many people, so much to do.  You could spend years just walking around exploring the city it seems.  I could see myself living there and really liking it, but something really extraordinary would have to happen for me to leave Austin.


Blogger babyG said...

they have snow there, I don't think any thing could make me go back to that stuff for more then a week

12:15 AM  
Blogger brownie said...

Did you drink any Yuengling?

6:58 AM  
Blogger Rafael said...

Any pics?

12:42 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Jealous..Good Luck on your Gig this weekend!

1:33 PM  
Blogger PlaysByEar said...

I did have plenty of Yuengling! It was my first and last beer there, as well as plenty in between. My friend has been buying it because he says it's a good combination of quality and price. I was able to impress him with my beer knowledge by stating that it was from the oldest brewery in the US, without reading the label first.

No camera, no pics, sorry.

3:15 PM  

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