Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Dirty Jobs

I'm finding this show pretty entertaining, and informative, even though I have to look away from the screen occasionally. Each episode consists of several trips to different jobs involving some disgusting task that we never think about, yet probably makes out quality of life better. Picking up our trash is just the tip of the iceberg, and I even wonder if they would do an episode on that as it's relatively tolerable compared to some of the jobs I've seen on the show. The first show I saw featured sewer inspectors/maintainers, which is unsurprising, but the one I saw last night showed some really bizarre jobs. Oyster shell recyclers and chicken "sexers" (people who dig through tubs of newborn chicks and sort them by sex). The really disgusting part of that task is how the worker squeezes the chick before checking which forces the chick to poop. Someone has that for a job--all day! Think about that the next time you eat a chicken wing/breast/thigh/mcnugget.

Actually the whole reason I'm posting about this show is I'm hoping I can have a question answered. During the chicken sexer show they also had a segment on brewing. The disgusting part of this process is the leftover yeast which looks gross and probably smells really bad. Anyway, they kept on showing the various places it would turn up (which they would then have to clean) and at one point they were showing small bits in the beer--this reminded me of a story which I can't quite fully remember where someone I know found something disgusting in their beer (though in this case I think it turned out to be paper), sent it back to the brewery, and ended up with a free case of beer. My question is, who was this person I know and what beer was it?


Blogger Chris Ash said...

I'm not sure who your friend was, but I can tell you this: yeast in your beer is good for you. It's super-high in nutrients and can even help prevent hangovers! Some beers even leave the yeast in on-purpose.

It's a good thing. (Used without permission from Martha Stewart OmniMedia)

9:09 AM  
Blogger boney said...

Ah Yes! Funny you should remember that. I have yet to get redeem my certificate for one free case of Leinenkugels. And, actually sent the thing to Kirk to give him a shot with it. No one will take the certificate - maybe because It's been 4 years since I got it.

By the way, we were running the hash in Madison when I found what I thought at the time, was a slug.

12:33 AM  
Blogger Me said...

The episode on pig farming was gut wrenching. They jacked off a pig and put the semen into a sow in heat using some plastic contraption that was forced into her vagina. Nasty. And cleaning out septic tanks didn't look like much fun either. The show is fascinating...

4:01 PM  

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