Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Brief Thoughts

My boss starts the majority of her sentences with a coordinating conjunction. It's very annoying.

I am losing combs at an alarming rate.

Everything in my wallet has been wet for over two days now. I've emptied it and its contents are drying throughout my cubicle.


Blogger boney said...

Having read through your blog it seems you have a sort of Dilbert and Charlie Brown thing going on. Is that last sentence an example of a coordinating conjunction?

4:43 PM  
Blogger PlaysByEar said...

Yes, that last sentence does use the coordinating conjunction "and." I'll take this opportunity to elaborate on my boss' speech patterns. When a sentence doesn't require any coordinating conjunction at the start, such as when offering a contradictory argument with "but," she starts with "and," as if she's adding to a relevant thought. However, she's usually starting a new thought or a new entire conversation. Annoying.

10:19 AM  

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