Thursday, November 04, 2004

My life would be so boring without my car

Yeah! A little excitement on the way to work. And when I say "a little," I mean "a little." Not really exciting, but I did have to roll my car out of the street on the way to work today. My negative battery connection is loose, and it decides to come off occasionally when I start the car. So this morning in the driveway I had to pop the hood and jam it back on to get the car started. I still have the idle trouble, but the car is trying to fix itself and was doing fine until halfway to work where it died. You guessed it, I tried to start 'er up and the battery disconnected itself again--causing me to have to roll the car off the street and out of the way, pop the hood, and get 'er going again. Also, since my radio also resets when power is disconnected, every time I started up the car the music would start again at the beginning of the CD. It felt like it was part of a movie soundtrack, playing the same music each time I got going down the street.


Blogger PlaysByEar said...

Okay, I'm a masochist. Maybe I'll buy the part today and keep it in the glove compartment for another couple of weeks.

2:26 PM  

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