Thursday, June 18, 2009

Good Kitty

I picked up the cat after work on Monday. She is underweight and had a cough, and wasn't eating much, so I was worried. I didn't sleep well the first night, but that's mostly because I figured I left something dangerous lying around in the house that she was going to get into.

I think she just needs a little time to recover from being at the shelter. She started eating all of her food yesterday and her cough has gone away. The shelter tells everyone to take their new pets to a vet during the first few weeks regardless of their condition, so I took her in this morning. The vet said that everything looks great except for being a little underweight. He was particularly impressed with her confidence. She's not shy and once she's scoped out a place makes herself at home. When she was being poked and prodded she made her displeasure known by meowing (not hissing), but didn't fight to get away.

I have to think of giving her a new name. Her shelter given name is "Sassy" but that doesn't sound like a name a guy would give his cat.


Blogger Barbara said...

So what you are saying is you have a sassy pussy?


2:50 PM  
Blogger Denise said...

Funny, T. Yes, no guy in his right mind would name his cat Sassy. My last cat was named cupcake. I was not impressed. I renamed her Medea.

6:47 AM  
Blogger paloalto said...

Definitely a Fudge clone!

3:29 PM  

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