Friday, June 02, 2006

You're Welcome

A reminder to anyone interviewed on NPR:

You are not allowed to say "you're welcome" after being thanked, you must respond to a "thank you" from the interviewer with another "thank you."


Blogger Pittchick said...


Is there any reasoning behind that?

3:38 PM  
Blogger mike said...

I am sure PBE knows the answer to this for sure, but if I had to guess, after living among other cultures ... A mutual thank you is a acknowledgement of equality. For one to say "Thank you", and another to say, "You're welcome", implies unequal status at that moment. Just a guess.

7:31 PM  
Blogger mike said...

Of course, I over analyze everything. Maybe they are just idiots. No explanations needed.

7:33 PM  
Blogger PlaysByEar said...

Just something I noticed that bugs me.

Of course, on the way home from work yesterday, when they were interviewing the kid who corrected the spelling bee judges on a mistake and got another contestant reinstated, the kids said "you're welcome" after being thanked by the interviewer. Not only that, but he recounted how he said "you're welcome" to the contestant that was reinstated when she thanked him.

You broke their rule, you punk kid! Good for you

12:08 PM  

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