Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Dammit... I guess I was looking for an excuse to skip #1, because when I couldn't find a parking spot I immediately proceeded to #2. I made it to #3 on time, but quit early, and this is where it gets somewhat interesting. I quit, because I think we were cheating! We don't need to cheat. One of our team members stepped outside with his cellphone during the second round and got the answer to one of the trivia questions... and this was after we had a perfect first place first round, without cheating at all. I didn't quite hear what he said to our scribe, so once he left for the restroom I asked our scribe if that is what happened, and he confirmed it. I became really angry. It felt kind of good actually, I haven't gotten emotional like that in quite some time. Maybe I got my heart rate up high enough to make up for #1. Anyway, I left early and might be on my way to getting #4 done in time to get a good night sleep, but I instead headed down to LJ's and might stop by Mugshot's after this. I haven't seen those guys in quite awhile, and they never cheat me. It looks like I might have a good reason to take the next couple of Wednesdays off of trivia, or maybe longer.


Blogger piannist said...

yea, I had a feeling you'd go for #s 2 and 3. too bad about the cheater. they tend to be out there.

10:09 PM  
Blogger brownie said...

Scandal at bar trivia! The Barry Bonds saga has nothing on this...

11:52 PM  
Blogger PlaysByEar said...

postscript: the smart guy on the team called me while at LJ's. I didn't answer but returned the call. He apologized though it wasn't really his fault. I guess he felt similarly but only I had the guts to say anything about it.

Coincidentally I ran into an old trivia bar waitress at Mugshot's. She's happily making money in real estate now.

1:07 AM  

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