Thursday, January 06, 2005

Home Sweet Homes

I don't think I can move to a new city again. I was thinking about this last Wednesday (Dec 29) afternoon, before flying back from Madison. I had a few hours to spare after dropping my sister off at the airport and spent them walking around places I liked to go when I lived there from 1999-2000. It was fun, but it really reminded me how much I missed the place. There are some things that I really miss about many of the cities I've lived in. What makes matters worse is that I also have this feeling of regret tied to each of these places. What I regret I'm not sure of, but it's like I need to go back and live in these places again until I am able to fix whatever it is I'm regretting. Or, maybe it's simply that I "regret" not being able to live everywhere at once, which is impossible to fix, of course. I have this vision of how after I get rich I'll live in each of these places for a month at a time until I get back up to speed and feel comfortable with the place. Then I'll fly off to the next city and get caught up there. And so on and so on. So, I can't add any more cities to my list, which is up to six now, or my vision is going to get unmanageable and make me unhappy. I'm not saying I'll never leave Austin, but if I do it will more than likely be back to somewhere I'm lived before.


Blogger boney said...

The potential "life not lived" is a killer indeed.

10:07 PM  

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