Monday, May 02, 2005


This past weekend was full of birthday activities for me, for three--no, make that four--people or fictional characters.

First off was Austin's 42nd annual Eeyore's Birthday Party Saturday afternoon. This event is held at a nearby park and features people of all types in costumes of all types. There is also a lot of beer there, and this year I volunteered to help out one of the distributors. The proceeds all go to charity, and it's a lot of fun. Unfortunately for me, I didn't get there early enough to walk around much. I volunteered for the last shift and got there just in time for it to start (I blame the three cigarettes I had the night before). Despite being tied to the beer stand, I still had a good time.

During Eeyore's I found out some very big news, and the way I found out I never would have guessed. Someone sent me this picture to my phone:

Bridget Posted by Hello
That someone was my sister Ann, and that picture is of Ms. Bridget Marie Dillon--my first niece, born that day. Eeyore's birthday party turned into my niece's birthday party too!

Sunday I skipped my usual running around and went to San Antonio to celebrate my friend Tim's birthday. He and his wife used to live in Austin but moved down to San Antonio some time ago, and it was nice to see them again.

Oh, I did say four, didn't I? Well, it turns out Ms. Dillon shares a birthday with her dad. Happy Birthday to you too, Zach!


Blogger Piercello said...

Congrats on the new niece, and welcome to Unclehood! I hope you can come out and meet her sometime... Nice blog too, by the way.


10:24 PM  

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