Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Signs and Stickers

Uhoh, it's time for another political (but not really) post!

The other day in the Daily Texan I read some letters to the editor about a campaign sign recycling effort. I also happened to read the article the letters were in response to when it appeared last week, and what I remember about glancing at the picture was how recycling the signs was a positive activity for the Democrats. The election is over and uncontested, so the best thing to do now is not linger on it and look toward the future. I really didn't realize until reading the headline and article that it was a immature gloating stunt by the YCT.

I initially thought it was Democrats cleaning up their own stuff because I wanted to believe what a nice thing it was that they were taking responsibility to get all their campaign litter cleaned up so soon, as every campaign should. After the election is over, it all needs to go away. There are three reasons it stays out there:
1. gloating (if your candidate won)
2. martyrdom (if your candidate lost), or
3. lazy/forgot.

Campaign signs seem to stick around for a month or so, but the worst offenders are the bumper stickers. You know you're going to see both Bush and Kerry bumper stickers on cars YEARS from now, just like you still see bumper stickers from campaigns past. I'd like to be able to go up to them and say "hey, the election's over, you can remove your bumper sticker now," but I can't, because even if it is still there because of reason #3, I can't risk spinning them into a rant if either reasons #1 or #2 are the case.

Last week driving to work I saw a car with a "Wellstone!" bumper sticker. What's the point? I don't think too many Texans are even going to remember who that is, which voids any effect reason #2 would have. But I'm sure I'd get quite a mouthful if I let them know and reason #2 is why it's there.


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