Sunday, October 25, 2009

Garden Update II

Where we last left off in July, my garden was going crazy growing cucumber and watermelon plants. They bloomed, but they never produced any fruit. Below is a picture of the cucumber plants in July, they ended up climbing all the way up the trellis, but all died a month later. You can also see in the lower left some of the pepper plants that I started indoors and transplanted outside.

I previously mentioned that the pepper plant I bought from Home Depot had flowered but also did not produce any fruit. When the cucumber and watermelon plants died, I basically gave up for this season.

I haven't checked on the plants at all over the past few months and figured everything would eventually die. This afternoon I allowed my cat to have some supervised outdoor time in the backyard, and during this I noticed that the pepper plants not only have not died, they have produced some peppers! The Home Depot plant has two small bell peppers. Another bell pepper plant has a smaller bell pepper growing, and a jalapeno plant has one full sized jalapeno as well as a couple smaller ones. So, after only FIVE months (the packages say it should only take 70 days), I may have produced some edible vegetables!

The bell peppers
The jalapeno

Now I just need to decide when to pick and eat 'em. And dig up the carrots to see how they are doing.


Blogger brownie said...

This blog sucks.

4:43 PM  
Blogger M Hastings said...

Yay! Peppers! XD

7:43 PM  

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