Saturday, November 29, 2008

Foreclosure Home... Ownership?

Well, apparently no one has taken the bait to comment on the new blog title. It's not a joke--or is it? Yes, I've been going through the process of buying a foreclosure home. I didn't want to blog about it because I figured the deal could fall apart at any moment. On Tuesday, I was supposed to close, but it didn't happen. I've been really frustrated through the whole process. That's not entirely unexpected. I figured I would have to put my fingers in my ears and yell LALALALALA the whole way to get through this, blindly ignoring all my mistakes and the incompetence of everyone involved in the process. Even after I thought I was about to cross the finish line and nothing else could go wrong, it did and I'm still sitting here without a house.

This entry would've been better if I finished it on Tuesday, when I was really angry, before I diffused that anger by having a good run. I was to the point of considering taking my losses and telling my realtor and lender to take a hike. I still feel that way part of the time, but since I can't blame the latest problem on them I'll do my best to not think about it and hopefully get this thing done this month. I just wish I had some power because it feels like everyone assumes there's no risk of me backing out and therefore doesn't need to care about my situation anymore.

One thing I can blame them on is telling me we were good to go, because when they did, I put in my 30 day notice at the apartment. I probably could see if I could renig on that, but I'm looking forward to getting out of here whether I have a house or not. I could save a bit of money being homeless for awhile, and it might be fun!

I'm trying to decide on Christmas plans, but with this hanging over my head and a gig on December 20 (the day my relatives get together), I may not make it North for Christmas this year.


Blogger piannist said...

ok, 2 things:
1. voluntary temporary homelessness is awesome. I was going to say, just not in the winter, but that's only in places like New England and Wisconsin. refer to your sister for a number of exciting homeless stories.
2. none of the cool kids are going north for xmas this year. it's all about the niece and nephew, so lonely out east. we don't schedule xmas here, we'll make it anytime!

that was an exceptionally long comment.

11:17 PM  
Blogger Denise said...

Sorry, I thought it was a done deal. I was going to talk to you about it at Babs dinner. But you couldn't make it. I hope that things work themselves out. If the purchase works out be aware that you can get a loan from the government as a tax credit that needs to be paid back by 2024 without interest charges. If you want more info just email or call.


10:04 PM  
Blogger PlaysByEar said...

Hi Ann--I will make it out east sometime next year!

Denise--yeah I thought it was a done deal to the point of getting my big check ready. Then they tell me its not ready 3 business days before closing. I am aware of the tax credit, thanks! My mom told me about it, actually. She had seen it on the news or a commercial. I keep waiting to see if my realtor or lender to bring it up, but why should I expect any help from them!

1:06 PM  
Blogger Jerri said...

He's a regular chatterbox! Sorry I didn't ask in public... should I have??? I also thought you were being cute and copying Dani. If you need a few homeless crash nights I'm sure my dog and satan would LOVE the company while I'm out and about galavanting the country!! Actually, that could kind of work nicely if you promise not to root through my sweater drawer or at least never admit to it!! :-) It'll be ok, closing on any house is a fiasco - this one was my biggest pain yet!! Also available for muscle when you need it to move!

4:01 PM  
Blogger Outdoorgirl said...

I hope everything works out for you :) Good Luck! (Get a home warrenty for the first year. saved my life).....

8:49 PM  

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